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Mini Brownies and my own 'Cointreau'
Easy Lebkuchen

Mini Brownies plus....

1 Brownie mix
1 bottle of Cointreau or 'Christa's Christmas brandy' ( recipe follows)
some Marzipan ( I find it here int he baking section)
Thin icing and chocolate sprinkles as an option
Mini Muffinpan
Mini muffin papers

Mix Browniemix according to instructions, less a tbsp. of water
Add a tbsp of Cointreau

My Marzipan comes in about 8oz rolls (Odensee)
I take half of it and work in about 2tsp. of the brandy

Fillt eh Muffintins with some browniemix, than a dollop of the marzipan,t han again some more brownie mix anand bake according to instructions..
Adjust the baking time to the smaller brownies..
While still hot, I make a thin icing with powderd sugar, water a few drops of cointreau and ice the brownies, than sprinkle chocolate sprinkles on top.

Christa's Christmasbrandy.

Infuse brandy with a few fresh Melissaleaves and some orangepeels, cloves , cinnamon, cadamom overnight.
Make a sugar syrup mixture and add to the strained brandy.
Add a few drops of orange Essential oil.
I know this is a bit vague, but it depends on how much brandy you use, I do not use a measured recipe, just make it.
And it's very good.
I also use it in truffels.

Easy Lebkuchen bars

1 box Betty Crocker Gingerbreadmix ( red with Gingerbreadcookie on it)
1 cup flour
1/2 tub candied orange peel
1 cup currants
1 bag hacked almonds ( small bag)
1tbsp grated lemon peel ( fresh, if at all possible)
1 tbsp cointreau brandy or Christa's X-ma brandy
powdered sugar, lemon juice

Mix Gingerbreadmix according toinstructions, BUT add the extra flour
and add a little more water to make a heavy, sticky dough.
Chop orange peel, currants, almonds,lemon peel in the brandy
( I use an onionchopper for that)
Fold into the Gingerbreadmix dough.
Spread on cakepan.
Bake at 375F until you do the toothpicktest
Spread a thin icing made out of powdered sugar and lemon juice on the
warm cake, cut into small squares.

Violet Jelly
2 cups of violets
4 cups of sugar
1 pack of commercial gel, Sure-Gel or similar brand
1/2 a lemon
Pour 2 cups of hot water over the violets and let steep
for 24 hours. Strain,add lemon and gel,bring to a boil, add sugar , cook according to jelly making instructions.

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